Tag: city
Photo walk: Good morning, Copenhagen!
The Trumpet Story

Vor Frue Kirke – Københavns Domkirke | Good morning, Copenhagen!
Trumpet Solo at Sunrise
one simple story and maybe not a story and maybe not so simple we’d like to tell about we do remember it from childhood and maybe not from childhood and maybe even don’t remember but will try to recollect

Awaiting the sunrise | Københavns Domkirke
It was an experience which doesn’t travel well with words or pictures, but I will do my best.

City Hall | Good morning, Copenhagen!
We were up in the bell tower with the wonderful view over Copenhagen. Waiting for the sun to rise. At the very tip of it the trumpet played a tune and people lit the candles. They sang a carol and let the moment sink in. On our way down, we noticed a couple that the guard just left standing there. He was making a proposal and she didn’t know. The guard had promised to the man that he could have the spire and the sunrise just for themselves.

The Sunrise | Good morning, Copenhagen!

“will you …” | Good morning, Copenhagen!
CPH: personal
With our Copenhagen based photo collective we decided to have a two week photo project: “A personal view on Copenhagen”. It was inspired by the preview of a project by Michał Kwapisiewicz.
It was very interesting to see what people came up with as their take on the brief. The idea was to have some fresh work. During those two weeks many things were in transition for me and I think my final selection for this mini project reflects it. I didn’t really conceptualized my take on the brief. These are more or less snap shots from my daily life in Copenhagen at the moment. Most of the photographs are taken on my way to the Danish class or explorations of the neighborhood I currently live in, Norrebro. You’ll see quite a few cranes since the city is constructing or reconstructing many sites at the moment. These cranes become part of the cityscape. I wonder what are those internal cranes that currently work on my personal reconstruction…
When I was going through the photographs I took in those two weeks, I was listening to some music by Ósk. I felt like they go together very well and put together the slideshow with the final selects. Þorbjörg Ósk generously gave her permission to use one of her songs for it.
exploring reflections

Inspired by Street Photography Now Community instruction # 08
“Show beauty where apparently there is none.” – Guido Steenkamp
my A-side for the brief

Inspired by Street Photography Now Community instruction # 08
“Show beauty where apparently there is none.” – Guido Steenkamp
my B-side, which some people from the community liked more than my selection for the A-side. I can never decide actually… and always wonder what would happen if I’d enter the other one instead?
on a crosswalk | Copenhagen
Street poetry

Inspired by Street Photography Now Community instruction #06: “Try to find the poetry. Tell an emotionally interesting story.” – Chema Hernandez
my A-side for the brief

Inspired by Street Photography Now Community instruction #06:
“Try to find the poetry. Tell an emotionally interesting story.” – Chema Hernandez
my B-side for the brief
It happened suddenly on february 15th, 2013. Am not really sure what exactly, but it just happened. It is something in-between… the time in-between.. the space in-between.. stagnation went away and something new started to take place.. but it’s not there yet.. and it is not very clear yet what exactly is it.. it’s not exactly stray any more, but it is still quite shapeless and it might even stay that way.. but it’s breathing…

follow this in-between project (or maybe not a project) on tumblr or flickr
somewhere.. here or there.. everywhere and nowhere… stray.. transitional.. in passing.. undefined…
man’s best friend | Copenhagen metro

Inspired by Street Photography Now Community instruction #05: “An age old relationship exists between the human and canine. Show the influence of the dog on our lives.” – Shane Gray
imaginary life | Nantes

Inspired by instruction from Street Photography Now Community #04: “Give me an illusion of reality. Your reality.” – Andreas Paradise