Inspired by Street Photography Now Community instruction #03: “Find the one among the others.” – Julien Legrand
Inspired by Street Photography Now Community instruction #03: “Find the one among the others.” – Julien Legrand
“Search the streets for questions. Don’t give the answers.” – Lukas Vasilikos
SPNC – Year 3 – Instruction # 01
“Have fun with reality. Confuse or mislead the viewer by crafty framing and omitting visual clues.” – Alison McCauley
Taken on streets of Lisbon, Portugal in September 2012
The idea was to explore the light, or rather the lack of light. Umea is a town in northern part of Sweden, quite close to the polar circle. During the winter months there is about 4 hours of daylight. However, there is a lot of artificial lights, especially during the Christmas season and the idea was to explore darkness and what people do in order to cope with it in their daily life.
More information on the project