Tag: streets

“Search the streets for questions. Don’t give the answers.” – Lukas Vasilikos
Copenhagen taxi

SPNC – Year 3 – Instruction # 01
“Have fun with reality. Confuse or mislead the viewer by crafty framing and omitting visual clues.” – Alison McCauley
different Riga
Different Riga
A combination of a sunny day in autumnal Riga and holga lens provided some interesting results. I somehow like this plastic toy lens. It is so dark that one need to push the ISO quite a bit in order to be able to see at least something through it. That gives some grain and almost film feeling to it.
Riga has changed a lot during the last years that I’m not there. Since I don’t live here permanently I notice things that change from my previous short visits. I can’t say I know the city any more. I did grow up here, but it was a different time, a different country, a totally different era…
This time during my visit to Riga a lot of past became part of the present – meeting with classmates (some I haven’t seen for 18 years), visiting the secondary school I used to study in, going through my dad’s things in his apartment… Many things to reflect upon..
And maybe it’s not only Riga that is different, but it’s also me, who is different, who sees different things or sees differently..
cruising… | Lisbon moments
Taken on streets of Lisbon, Portugal in September 2012
on my way… | 10th ward project
“Life of bicycles for the people’s lives”
The project is dedicated to organizing alternative funding for the 10th ward, the Palliative Care Unit at the Latvian Oncology Center. The project aims to produce a photo book for fundraising purposes.
More information on our website: http://10thward.annasircova.com/
Barcelona: Exploring Your Vision (with Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb, 2011)
This is a resulting gallery after one week workshop “Barcelona: Exploring Your Vision” with Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb, 26.03-02.04, 2011.
It was an intensive workshop and it took me some time for everything to sink in, to digest.. We were a diverse group of amateurs and professionals coming from all over the world (Europe, Australia, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Indonesia)…. continue reading
passing by… | Paris | SPNP, Y2, #04
Street Photography Now Project Year 2 – Instruction # 04
“Scale. How small can you make something in the frame and have it still be the photo’s primary visual subject?”
Blake Andrews
“it’s a hard day’s night”

Istanbul. Turkey